What is hypochondria?

Hypochondria is a phobia, not as widely recognized but still very invasive. When one suffers from hypochondria, it means he or she has an irritational unfounded fear of suffering from a terminal disease. The inflicted will think that he/she is diseased, dying, suffering, or even harboring some diseases inside them. They are also very obsessive about any slight changes in their body functions, rendering even small changes in them as a signal of doom - they are inflicted with a terminal disease or are dying from it. Hypochondriacs also have a fear of going to doctors for they believe the diagnosis will turn out to be exactly what they fear most. It's actually quite ironic. They rather prefer to find out the sources of their changes through other channels like searching for symptoms on the net, past experiences and even making up their own hypothesis. As you can see, it's a vicious cycle, the more they think they have a grave illness, the more anxiety they feel and thus, will feed their hypochondria even further. So, as this goes on, they keep worrying and perplexing over what they assume they are inflicted with.
People inflicted with hypochondria are called hypochondriacs. I'm guilty as charged for it. I've been a hypochondriac for ages since I was a very young kid. Everyone who knows me well would know I'm a big big hypochondriac. It is not very easy most times, but it does have its comical moments too.
Join me in my adventure as a hypochondriac in a disease ridden world :P (well just joking but maybe for me only) Here, you will find real life encounters as a hypochondriac and sometimes with a twist of humour.
I'll keep you posted.
People inflicted with hypochondria are called hypochondriacs. I'm guilty as charged for it. I've been a hypochondriac for ages since I was a very young kid. Everyone who knows me well would know I'm a big big hypochondriac. It is not very easy most times, but it does have its comical moments too.
Join me in my adventure as a hypochondriac in a disease ridden world :P (well just joking but maybe for me only) Here, you will find real life encounters as a hypochondriac and sometimes with a twist of humour.
I'll keep you posted.

Hello, am new to this whole situation. I would like to get some advice from you guys if you could please before i make that scary doc apponintment to get tested. I really do have some medical issuses, i am 28 years old. I have blood clots(DVTs) for 7years, I have to take shots every day beacuse my body rejects the pill forms, this is a life long battle on its own. I was in really bad car acciendent 3 years ago, i was in the road and was struck by a car, i had to be life flighted to the hospital, I have had 7 surguries to correct my leg ,but it will never be right so i begged the doc to burn my nerves so maybe i couldnt feel it for a little while.I also have head damage .all the doctors i see are amazed to see i am still fuctioning.I am just a medical experiment to most of them. I have 4 small childern. and my stress and depression is taken a toll on me, I do try hide most of my emotions to try to not worry my family. I truely feel AWFUL! It seems each month it is a differnt of the body has something wrong with it, like stomach pains and blodding, well herta and many stomach nuds that had to be cut out. Neuro cluster mirgines and nerve damage that cases involuaty head and left arm movement(close to 2 years on this one). Kidneys hurt well infected.my mind is slowing going away, some days i feel like it is on vacation without me. I really dont want to be sick, I want to be able to run and play with my kids and go back to work, i havent worked in 4 years. I really feel like there is a reason for my body going to crap and it is simple someone just needs to find it and fix it. is my journey sound real or am I just chasing a mental disorder? I have asked a few doctors if I was crazy and they said no, I am starting not to believe them. I am tried of being poked at and listen about my amazing medcail history, I just want to be normal again please anyone if you have any ideas or answers please please please let me know. thanks
February 25, 2010 at 9:54 PM
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