The myth about AIDS

- Unprotected Sex - yes we all know that
- From infected mother to child
- Contamination of blood products or through blood transfusion
- Sharing of needles usually common among drug related cases
Well, these data we have full knowledge of. However, for hypochondriacs like me, I feel these few modes are the publicly released modes of transmission and I know somehow, there are unspoken ways of transmitting AIDS thatwere all made hush-hush so as not to upset the public nor to create hysteria among the public. Of course, I hope I'm wrong but somehow I feel its all covered up. A big BS con job.
Here is my list of AIDS myth busters ( to my opinion ONLY):
1) Sharing food and drinks - Like hell? How can that not be? There are some traces of virus in the saliva, so how is it not risky to share food and drinks? What if there are cuts or sores, so small and not noticeable at the time you're sharing food and drinks? So, someone please tell me why is it still safe to share food and drinks
2) Kissing - They said, it needs to be like a scene from he- vampire meets she-vampire when kissing then it might be at risk. Even if you have a small cut or sores in the mouth, it is still quite relatively safe to kiss. How is that possible? It still puzzles me. Apparently, you need to have large quantities of blood in the mouth while you kiss someone and the partner also has a large quantity of blood in their mouth to enable that situation to be at risk status. I'm still baffled
3) Using public toilets - Here you are, baring your flesh and plonking your ass on the toilet bowl, shared by many others. You don't have the slightest clue what disgusting stuff could be on the toilet seat since so many people have been using it before you. Can someone please let me understand the logics as to why using public toilets are safe? Also, another scenario, what if someone were to wipe their blood (whatever reason it is that they have blood on them, I do not want to know. Brr, gives me the creeps already) on the door or on the seat and you unwittingly touch them? Is that not disgusting and icky and also put you at higher risk?
4) Sanitary bins - Sometimes the flap of those bins are smeared with blood from the pads. So, if you were to accidentally touch it, does it not mean you are at risk? I'm actually shuddering thinking about that. What if they were still fresh blood or even dried ones? What if you have a cut on your finger at the same time you touch them?
5) Dentist - Going to the dentist sucks more than ever. With hypochondria, its even worse. Imagine them prodding you with the same apparatus which they have stuck down another patient's throat just minutes before you. And, most times, after each visit from the destist, you are somwehat left bleeding from the procedures and all. In fact, I'm not too sure whether are all the apparatus autoclaved for safety and health reasons. What if....what if? I so hope its all just the hypochondriac talking.
6) Trasmission through insectbites, ie mosquitoes - You all already know how much I detest mosquitoes. So, why is it that mosquitoes can't transmit the virus? Is it all toned down so as not to create panic in the public or what? Other forms for diseases can be passed through mosquitoes such as JE or the Nipah virus, whereby the mosquitoes feed on the pigs, then they in return feed on the humans, thus passing the sickness to humans. I don't feel so well thinking about all these :(
7) Spitballs - Some people love to shower you with their dear holy water as they speak. What if a speck of their spit/saliva lands right straight into your eyeball or into your mouth as you guys are conversing? Is it not risky or it just doesnt sound right to publish it as a mode of transmission, lest everyonelse stops talking to one another for fear of the infectious spitballs. Gross. I'm feeling sick in the stomach as I'm typing.
8) Injections - What if the nurse or doctor forgets to change the used needles to a fresh ones?
9) Tattoos and piercing - Did the tattoo artist change the needles, autoclave his equipment? Wear gloves and be professional when doign his masterpiece? Put safety as his priority over making quick bucks over his clients?
Writting these down is not a piece of cake without feelign icky and grossed out at the same time. I hope these myth busters of mine are just the hypochondriac in me speaking and not the real absolute truth. I really hope so. Could you please share your views with me?
It's days like these I wish I lived in a giant plastic ball...

I cann't believe what I've just read,all your fears are mine also,all these things have created fear in me also,sometimes I wonder if I'm going crazy,can all these things be in some situation real,why am I the only person who is afraid and not all the human population,maybe because there is something wrong with me....
July 16, 2008 at 4:09 AM
Hey, I have this problem too. what helped me about HIV/AIDS - doing very deep research about it on the web ;) you learn that 1)you need critical mass of virus to get it, that's why all food/drinks doesn't work; 2)as for kissing, it's more dangerous, because some people have little sores so you can get more of viruses; 3)virus in environment is extremely fragile. That's why even with needles you might not get infected because the virus is already dead ;) and one quote was extremely good "HIV is difficult to get. Live with it" :)
October 22, 2012 at 7:02 AM
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