Fever, Sore throat, Swollen glands

Why do I worry so much about swollen glands, its because swollen lymph nodes are a result of infection, inflammatory conditions, an abscess or even cancer. Other causes of enlarged lymph nodes are rare. By far, the most common cause of swollen lymph nodes is infection. The mention of the big C - cancer is enough to make me shudder. Every few minutes, I'll be checking my temperature, feeling my glands and monitoring my wellbeing, or in this case my symptoms and bodily changes. Any subtle changes in me, is recorded and burned into my memory. I need these details to relate to the doctor and seek advice.
Usually, a normal routine to the doctor's whenever I'm not well means asking the doctor to check my lymph nodes. The doctor would say, "They are not swollen at all" and I'll ask him to check them again but he says, "You're fine, you're having a fever. Take the antibiotics and you will recover in no time. Just take lots of rest and fluids. Don't worry your silly head over it." What? You're telling me not to worry because I'm the one who is having the swollen lymph nodes and the fever. Not you, doc. If I could, I would love to grab him with both my hands on his neck, pull his face to me and give him a deadlock stare, saying: " Give me my damn lymph node biopsy, doc, just to be sure!" Well, that has never happened before but it's played out in my head like a little drama when he pooh pooh my concerns about my lymph nodes. Anyway, I'm thinking, "It takes no genius, Sherlock Holmes, I already know I have a fever and I need medication, but what is the real cause of the fever? Is it a telltale symptom that my immune system is under attack, have I caught some terrible infection? I don't need to pay you to tell me it's just a fever!!" Usually, the visit to the doctor leaves me with more questions in my head. IS the doctor really telling me the whole truth? Anyway, somehow, I do recover from my fever, thankfully, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't just a normal fever.
In a nutshell, I dread FEVER like the plague. Do you have the same worry about fevers and swollen glands? Share with me what you feel about swollen glands and fever. Do you trust your doctor as little as I trust mine? Maybe, we can exchange notes. I'm here to listen to you, my fellow hypochondriac.